
Mobilenet v1

Depthwise Separable Convolution.

Standard convolutions have the computational cost of :

DKDKMNDFDFD_K \cdot D_K \cdot M \cdot N \cdot D_F \cdot D_F

where the computational cost depends multiplicatively onthe number of input channels M, the number of output channe is N, the kernel size DKDKD_K \cdot D_K and the feature map size DFDFD_F \cdot D_F.

Depthwise convolution is extremely efficient relative to standard convolution. However it only filters input channels, it does not combine them to create new features. So an additional layer that computes a linear combination ofthe output of depthwise convolution via 1×11 \times 1 convolutionis needed in order to generate these new features.

The combination of depthwise convolution and 1×11 \times 1 (pointwise) convolution is called depthwise separable con-volution.

Depthwise separable convolutions cost:

DKDKMDFDF+MNDFDFD_K \cdot D_K \cdot M \cdot D_F \cdot D_F + \cdot M \cdot N \cdot D_F \cdot D_F
  • DFD_{F} is the spatial width and height of a square input feature map1

  • MM is the number of input channels (input depth)

  • DGD_{G} is the spatial width and height of a square output feature map

  • NN is the number of output channel (output depth).

Depth Multiplier: Thinner Models

For a given layer, and depth multiplier α\alpha, the number of input channels MM becomes αM\alpha M and the number of output channels NN becomes αN\alpha N

Mobilenet v2

Inverted residuals

The bottleneck blocks appear similar to residual block where each block contains an input followed by several bottlenecks then followed by expansion. detail code here.

  • Use shortcuts directly between the bottlenecks.

  • The ratio between the size of the input bottleneck and the inner size as the expansion ratio.

    In which, when stride = 1

    def bottleneck_block(x, expand=64, squeeze=16):
        m = Conv2D(expand, (1,1))(x)
        m = BatchNormalization()(m)
        m = Activation('relu6')(m)
        m = DepthwiseConv2D((3,3))(m)
        m = BatchNormalization()(m)
        m = Activation('relu6')(m)
        m = Conv2D(squeeze, (1,1))(m)
        m = BatchNormalization()(m)
        return Add()([m, x])

    when stride = 2, no shortcut

  • Why using expansion ratio = 6 and use relu with expanded dimension and then use shortcuts directly between the bottlenecks?

    • From the paper, the author summarized that:

      1. If the manifold of interest remains non-zero volume after ReLU transformation, it corresponds to a linear transformation.

      2. ReLU is capable of preserving complete information about the input manifold, but only if the input manifold lies in a low-dimensional subspace of the input space.

    • if we have lots of channels, and there is a a structure in the activation manifold that information might still be preserved in the other channels.

    • inspired by the intuition that the bottlenecks actually contain all the necessary information, while an expansion layer acts merely as an implementation detail that accompanies a non-linear transformation of the tensor, we use shortcuts directly between the bottlenecks.

  • Comparison of Mobilenet v1 and Mobilenet v2

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